Thursday, January 27, 2022

Journey Started and NJP to Pelling Travel - Day 1 (28th Dec, 2021)

Welcome back and let's get back to the story right away, without wasting any more time.

So, we have booked ticket on "Darjeeling Mail" from "BWN" to "NJP" in 2S. If we sticked to our previous plan, we could've booked ticket in sleeper. But as we pushed back our journey, so we couldn't get confirmed ticket in Sleeper. That's how we landed up to 2S for the whole journey.
We thought that we it's just one night and we are young, we can adjust and will have no problem at all.

But there is one thing, that we forgot that the drivers have to drive the whole journey for next day, so they need some quality sleep, otherwise we can have problem next day. As the train was at 11:36 PM, we all had dinner from our home and gathered at Bardhamaan Stationin time. So we didn't had the problem with dinner arrangement.

My nephew and one more guy brought their own helmet with them as they are not very comfortable of wearing other people helmet, which the bike rental person was going to provide next day. I could have done so, but I already overloaded with a 80L backpack and I didn't want anything more to carry.

Around 2:00 AM, now everybody was kind of sleepy and needed some sleep. So we managed somehow and tried to sleep, but we didn't have a good night sleep. At least all the drivers got some sleep somehow, so that's a good thing for us.

Here we have made 2 mistakes, I would like to high light them now only, so that you won't make the same mistakes as well.

Monday, January 17, 2022

North Sikkim Tour (Pelling - Ravangla - Namchi - Gangtok) - Introduction & Planning


This is the first post for this blog and also starting of a new journey for this year for me and for this blog too. So, let's start. I will try to provide all the context in a format of story, so that it will be enjoyable to read while you read all the trip.

So, basically me and my nephew was planning this trip for february 2022. But when we started discussing with other friends of him, we made some changes to the trip and planned to execute this before the end of 2021.


Usually I like to travel either solo or in group, depends on the people that I am going with. If I am comfortable around them, then group is fine. Otherwise, I will travel solo.
So, in this case, group was fine. Total 7 person is there in the group. And I am confortable with all the people, although I have never met any of them as none of them are my friend. All of them were my nephew's friends and some of them are like friends of friends. But they are all very friendly and they made the environment feel very comfortable for me, so I agreed with them and was ready to go.

What Made the change of plan from Feb 2022 to Dec 2021 :

So, one day we were discussing in a weekend of November 2021 and suddenly one of us came with an idea that we should do this trip in bike. Now, the idea is really interesting and

Journey Started and NJP to Pelling Travel - Day 1 (28th Dec, 2021)

Welcome back and let's get back to the story right away, without wasting any more time. So, we have booked ticket on "Darjeeling Ma...